Honking Global Limited Board of Directors and personnel have been in the process of influencing public policy at all level of governance and the Board have a combined 40 year of doing this a both national and international level. This has been done through organizing many high level events, seminars, conferences bilateral and multilateral meetings and building network of stakeholders in business sector, Civil society organizations, Technical experts sessions to weigh in on global policy in the interest of Nigeria.


Th Board of Directors at different occasions had organized many high level meetings that touch across issues of Trade International Relations and have been actively involved in United States and Nigeria’s relations since 1999 to date at the level of Congress in the United States, improving to shape public policy at the United Nations, WorldBank Aimed at improving the corporate image of Nigeria. This is to guarantee bottom-line for Nigeria from our partners through foreign direct investment [FDI] inflow into Nigeria.


Particular interest is the facilitation in the US Congress under the Black Congressional Caucus to push the interest of Nigeria on issues of Democracy, Peace and Security, Trade and by extension, the African Continent. The Board of Honking Global Limited and their consultants are well positioned to increasing the strategic interest of Nigeria in the United States, Europe, China, Africa, Asia, Ecowas and at multilateral development organizations International Monetary Funds [IMF], WorldBank, United Nations; African Union Communion [AUC], Association of Southeast Asian Nations [ASEAN], G20, African Development Bank [AfDB], Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD], World Trade Organization [WTO], Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency [MIGA], G7, Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC] and a host of others.